Founders Story

Mason Preddy

You know, I have a dirty little secret . . . 

It was 2008 and I too was in your shoes.  I was walking down the same dark path . . . littered with stains from coffee, tea, wine, cigarette smoke & drinking cola.  

It wasn't that my path was dark.  It was my smile that had become tainted. 

While searching for a solution . . . 

I stung my lips on the drugstore strips and the trays I got, cost a lot. 

Along my journey and during the development of WhiteBrights®, five sentiments began showing up  Over & over again.  The same ideas, sentiments & themes.  I even found myself also “doodling” these five ideas on my desk blotter.  

As a result, they have became the foundation & over arching principles of WhiteBrights®. 







T - Tear FREE 

S A F E + T     S A F E + T     S A F E + T

To this day these beliefs remain the foundation for all of our unique oral cosmetics.   

This finally gives everyone an opportunity to smile!  After all, who doesn’t want a reason to smile!      

For the first time, everyone could enjoy a SAFE +T WhiteBrights® smile!  

Don't just take my word for it.  Our white, bright smiles speak for themselves.  While visiting the website today be sure to read what some of our believers have said about their journey towards Bright.

I’m here to shake up how you smile! 




W. Mason Preddy 


WhiteBrights® is the smile child of Mason Preddy who is a cereal entrepreneur that launched his first business at age 13.  WhiteBrights® is his fifth commercial enterprise.  

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For a Limited Time Only!An EXCLUSIVE Invitation to our Smile High Club™

WhiteBrights® wants to shuttle you back to the Jet Age, when pampering customers was all the rage. Join WhiteBrights® Smile High Club™ and let us lavish you with rewards - including courtesy priority shipping, members’ only discounts, special products, freebies, and countless other reasons to smile. Smiles are our business. S-Miles’ are our currency. Smile High Club™ members earn S-Miles’ with every purchase, engaging with us on social media, referring friends and family and more. Earn 100 S-Miles’ for each dollar spent. S-Miles’ add up fast and have incredible purchasing power. Membership is FREE, but the perks are priceless. Sign up now and it will be our privilege to welcome you aboard WhiteBrights® Frequent Smiler Program, the Smile High Club™!We can't wait to see you sm:)in'!

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